Socioeconomic Characteristics, Land Use, and Travel Patterns of Chennai (Madras)
Chennai is a port city, with railway and road networks extending in all three land directions available for expansion. Currently, the city limits comprised of 172-sq. km. and the metropolitan...

Urban Public Transportation in Chennai and Its Operations and Use by People
The main problem in the city was the decreasing share of mass transit trips by rail. The planners desire that the public transport trips should be 60%. It also desired that in Chennai,...

Notable Features of the Public Transit Systems in Chennai City
Certain unique features of the bus and rail transit system of Chennai City are presented. These features are related to the aspects concerning the development, operation and management...

Objective Measurement of Drought and Agricultural Response to Drought in the Water-Constrained Monsoon Climate of Tamil Nadu, India
Existing definitions of drought, particularly those based on annual or seasonal probability of occurrence, can fail to characterize adequately the relationship between transient shortfalls...





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